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Applications and integration of semiconductor-based Metasur

信息来源:微纳光电子学研究院 发布日期:2019-11-01

报告人: Dr. Patrice Genevet, Research Scientist I of CRHEA, Valbonne, France

时间: 2019年11月5日15:00-16:00

地点: 沧海校区致腾楼811


A new class of planar, wavelength-thick optical components exhibiting exceptional optical properties have emerged in recent years. These artificial interfaces, known as metasurfaces, rely on the scattering properties of the subwavelength structures patterned at interfaces to manipulate the wavefront of light in almost any desired manner. To further develop this technology towards dynamic tuning, broadband applications and industrial production, new materials and new fabrication methods are required. In this report, I will introduce basic design and fabrication methods of semiconductor-based metasurfaces and demonstrate exciting new monolithic integration of metasurfaces onto VCSELs under back-emitting configuration. Our wafer-level nonintrusive approach addresses the issues of arbitrary shaping laser beams with programmable controllability for various laser beam shaping applications. We report a drastically new approach for orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing holography based on the strong OAM selectivity of semiconductor-based metasurfaces. We show that owing to mathematically orthogonal OAM modes without a topological charge limit, a large number of OAM-dependent information channels can therefore be multiplexed by a single meta-hologram with high spatial resolution. This demonstration holds great promise for ultrahigh-capacity holographic devices and systems.


Dr. Patrice Genevet received his Ph.D in physics at University of Nice Sophia Antipolis under the direction of Prof. J. R. Tredicce in 2009. After five years’ research (2009-2014) as a research associate at Harvard University in Prof. Capasso’s group, he became a senior research scientist I at A*STAR, SIMTECH, Singapore in 2014. And then he joined CRHEA, Valbonne, France as a CNRS research scientist I since 2015. Dr. Genevet’s research is focused on the new experimental and theoretical exploration of topics related to metamaterials, in particular problems aiming to integrate, at the nanoscale, semiconductors and optical interfaces to create ultrathin optoelectronic components. His work has been published on many high-impact journals, such as Science, Nature Nanotechnology, Nature materials, Phys. Rev. Lett. and so on, and has been cited more than 10,000 times.

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