报告人:王颖 副教授(北京交通大学)
邀请人:张文静 教授
时 间:2024年03月29日14:00
地 点:沧海校区致腾楼223会议室
王颖,博士,北京交通大学副教授,北京大学重庆碳基集成电路研究院兼职研究员。主要研究方向为碳基光电传感与集成技术,在ACS Nano、AFM等杂志发表多篇学术论文,主持科技委重大项目、国家自然科学基金集成项目课题、基础加强计划等国家级项目。
Carbon-Based Optoelectronic Detection and Integration Technology focuses on the development of multifunctional optoelectronic fusion chips for scenarios such as national defense and artificial intelligence (AI). It provides alternative solutions for the future development of optoelectronic information device technology. Leveraging the technical advantages of high-performance carbon nanotubes (CNTs) electronic devices, which are free of doping and prepared at low temperatures, along with the architecture design of “opto-electric decoupling”, we have developed an original CNTs-based HGFET (heterojunction-gate field-effect transistor) detection technology. This technology has achieved sensitivities over 10 times greater than commercial indium gallium arsenide infrared detectors and can be monolithically integrated with silicon-based CMOS circuits, breaking through the integration bottleneck of traditional flip-chip technology. Additionally, we have developed CNTs-based intelligent sensing technology for integrated computing architectures, promoting the application of optoelectronic computing in edge AI.